Corona and the climate

Corona and the climate A striking double standard November 15, 2021 Image courtesy of Graeme MacKay, The Hamilton Spectator, March 11 2020 »The total emissions of the richest 10 percent alone are set to exceed the 1.5°C-aligned level in 2030, regardless of what the other 90 percent do.« Oxfam-study “Carbon inequality in 2030”, 2021  … Continue reading Corona and the climate

A glimpse into the future

A glimpse into the future Climate change, migration, and Bangladesh October 15, 2021 In mid-July, Germany has been hit by one of the worst flood disasters in its history. Houses were swept away, roads and train lines were broken, entire villages were covered by mud and debris. Almost 200 people died. How can it be… Continue reading A glimpse into the future

Millions on the move

Millions on the move? The contested issue of climate migration published: May 13, 2021; last edited: December 01, 2021 A matter of justice Two weeks ago, the German Supreme Court took a landmark decision, ruling that the climate protection law issued by the German government in 2019 was not in line with the German constitution.… Continue reading Millions on the move

No more excuses

No more excuses How Covid-19 might fundamentally shift our debate about climate action March 26, 2020 »Freie Fahrt für freie Bürger.« »Free passage for free citizens.« Coined in the 1970s by the German General Automobile Club (ADAC), this slogan summarizes a decade-long debate in the German public about whether or not the government should introduce… Continue reading No more excuses