Cuba Hoy no hay nada December 26, 2024 Times of Crisis The first thing I noticed when I arrived in Havana was also the last thing I noticed before I left: long lines. People lined up in front of stores. Cars lined up at gas stations. Passengers lined up at bus stops. Lines are usually… Continue reading Cuba Hoy no hay nada
Category: Transforming myself
Corona and the climate
Corona and the climate A striking double standard November 15, 2021 Image courtesy of Graeme MacKay, The Hamilton Spectator, March 11 2020 »The total emissions of the richest 10 percent alone are set to exceed the 1.5°C-aligned level in 2030, regardless of what the other 90 percent do.« Oxfam-study “Carbon inequality in 2030”, 2021 … Continue reading Corona and the climate
No more excuses
No more excuses How Covid-19 might fundamentally shift our debate about climate action March 26, 2020 »Freie Fahrt für freie Bürger.« »Free passage for free citizens.« Coined in the 1970s by the German General Automobile Club (ADAC), this slogan summarizes a decade-long debate in the German public about whether or not the government should introduce… Continue reading No more excuses
Indonesia The ring of fire
Indonesia The ring of fire September 29, 2019 Indonesia is a great country. Great in many subjective aspects, but great also in its sheer dimensions: With over 260 million inhabitants, it is the fourth largest nation and the largest Muslim country in the world. These 260 million people live scattered over 6.000 islands, out of… Continue reading Indonesia The ring of fire
Thailand Nation, religion, kingdom
Thailand Nation, religion, kingdom September 08, 2019 From a simplified traveler’s viewpoint, Thailand can be separated into three distinct parts: The North with its mountains, remote hill tribes, historical kingdoms and lots of nature. The center with the mega city of Bangkok as the cultural and economic powerhouse of the country. And the South with… Continue reading Thailand Nation, religion, kingdom
Interlude. Vipassana. The art of living
Interlude: Vipassana The art of living August 27, 2019 After visiting Myanmar and before heading further into Thailand, I took a ten-day break from travelling to take part in a Vipassana meditation retreat. Vipassana is an ancient meditation technique that was re-discovered by Siddhartha Gautama, the later Buddha, on his way to enlightenment. After he… Continue reading Interlude. Vipassana. The art of living
Myanmar One hair of Buddha
Myanmar One hair of Buddha August 16, 2019 After Singapore and Malaysia, our third station was a very special one: Myanmar or Burma (both names are equivalent, although Myanmar is more common nowadays). Special because the country is only slowly opening up to the world after decades of extreme isolation. And special also personally since… Continue reading Myanmar One hair of Buddha
Mozambique Swimming with stingrays
Mozambique Swimming with stingrays June 26, 2018 From Zimbabwe, I went to Mozambique to spend some days at the coast there before going back to Malawi. In Mozambique, I continued my studies of public transport systems. I took minibuses for some overland rides. They follow similar principles as the ones in town, except that they… Continue reading Mozambique Swimming with stingrays
Südafrika Swasiland Fotografieren und fotografieren lassen
Südafrika & Swasiland Fotografieren und fotografieren lassen September 30, 2015 Auf dem Weg von Durban nach Norden durchquerten wir den neben Lesotho zweiten Kleinstaat, der eng mit Südafrika verbunden ist: das Swasiland, die letzte absolutistische Monarchie Afrikas. Nach den Sotho, Xhosa und Zulu lernten wir dort schon den vierten der vielen Volksstämme kennen, die es… Continue reading Südafrika Swasiland Fotografieren und fotografieren lassen
Südafrika Auf Tuchfühlung mit Dick- und Dünnhäutern
Südafrika Auf Tuchfühlung mit Dick- und Dünnhäutern September 21, 2015 Erste Station nach Kapstadt war Hermanus, der nach eigener Aussage „weltbeste Ort, um Wale von Land aus zu beobachten.“ Hermanus liegt an einer geschützten Bucht, wodurch die Wassertemperatur höher ist und jedes Jahr im August und September viele Wale und Delfine dorthin kommen, um ihre… Continue reading Südafrika Auf Tuchfühlung mit Dick- und Dünnhäutern