Transforming myself

Reflections on my travels and the world in general

The story of this blog started back in 2015 when I was leaving Europe for the first time, going to South Africa for a three months research internship. I started collecting some of my observations, experiences and reflections in a blog-like format for friends and family. But besides “reporting back”, writing also has an important function for myself as it allows me to process in depth what happens during my travels. Since these early days, I have kept up blogging during longer periods abroad.

Why do I actually travel? Travelling has become so common nowadays that it is easy to take it for granted (edit: at least outside a pandemic). But I think it is worth reflecting on this question from time to time. Travelling, like anything else in life, comes with an ecological backpack. So why do I still travel even though I am aware of it? There’s a plethora of answers. Travelling allows me to expand my horizon. Travelling brings me in contact with people whom I would have otherwise never met. Travelling gives me a connection to each place I have visited that is different than the one you get from reading about a place or watching a documentary. Ultimately, travelling is also an important way to challenge myself. Challenge my (mis-)conceptions about other places, other people, social norms. Challenge my own understanding of the world and our global community.

Every journey is transforming myself. Here, I would like to share some of my reflections on this path.


Conferences & shows

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Business Budget

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Conferences & shows

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Business Budget

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Conferences & shows

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Business Budget

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