Indonesia The ring of fire September 29, 2019 Indonesia is a great country. Great in many subjective aspects, but great also in its sheer dimensions: With over 260 million inhabitants, it is the fourth largest nation and the largest Muslim country in the world. These 260 million people live scattered over 6.000 islands, out of… Continue reading Indonesia The ring of fire
Category: 2019
Thailand Nation, religion, kingdom
Thailand Nation, religion, kingdom September 08, 2019 From a simplified traveler’s viewpoint, Thailand can be separated into three distinct parts: The North with its mountains, remote hill tribes, historical kingdoms and lots of nature. The center with the mega city of Bangkok as the cultural and economic powerhouse of the country. And the South with… Continue reading Thailand Nation, religion, kingdom
Interlude. Vipassana. The art of living
Interlude: Vipassana The art of living August 27, 2019 After visiting Myanmar and before heading further into Thailand, I took a ten-day break from travelling to take part in a Vipassana meditation retreat. Vipassana is an ancient meditation technique that was re-discovered by Siddhartha Gautama, the later Buddha, on his way to enlightenment. After he… Continue reading Interlude. Vipassana. The art of living
Myanmar One hair of Buddha
Myanmar One hair of Buddha August 16, 2019 After Singapore and Malaysia, our third station was a very special one: Myanmar or Burma (both names are equivalent, although Myanmar is more common nowadays). Special because the country is only slowly opening up to the world after decades of extreme isolation. And special also personally since… Continue reading Myanmar One hair of Buddha
Malaysia Crazy for broccoli
Malaysia Crazy for broccoli July 23, 2019 After four weeks in Singapore attending the summer school, my friend Emilia joined me to explore more of South-East Asia over the months to come. Our first destination was the country which has been and still is of prime importance to Singapore – Malaysia. Before heading to Singapore,… Continue reading Malaysia Crazy for broccoli
Singapore Have spontaneous fun
Singapore Have spontaneous fun July 02, 2019 »They think there will be no crime. We think there can be no pleasure.« Rem Koolhaas Absolute Control In 1995, the architect Rem Koolhaas writes “Singapore Songlines”, analyzing the past 30 years of urban development in Singapore. It ends up being a devastating critique of the government’s development… Continue reading Singapore Have spontaneous fun